Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Update - The Great Quote-Quiz Wait

Folks, it's been almost a week since I notified Encarta about the faulty quiz. No word from them. Now I understand that I'm probably not their highest priority - they're very busy with real jobs, for Pete's sake - so they should probably be cut some slack. So I'm giving them three weeks to get back to me, and then the post stays for sure.

I say this not out of cockiness but out of concern. If my opinion matters so much, and it's so critical (and so right, of course), you would think some Encarta rep would want to respond to it. That's what I would hope, anyway. But if my feedback makes no difference, and they don't send me so much as an acknowledgment, it only supports my charges. That's what I'm afraid of.

It's not always pleasant to be right. I actually want to be corrected on this. Trouble is, I don't see how. Encarta, if you're listening, say something - and fast.

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