Friday, April 11, 2008

Verily, I hath been tagged...

I don't know what I did to deserve this, but - I've been tagged. I'm it, so here we go (hey, this beats writing a dissertation, right?):

The rules:
*Post 10 random things about yourself
*Choose 5 people to tag and a reason you chose each person
*Leave them each a comment directing them to your blog so they know they are it
*You can’t tag the person who tagged you (you’ll have to make new friends)
*As a courtesy to the person who tagged you, please let them know when you have posted so they can have the sheer delight and extra work load of reading your answers)

Drum roll, please...

1. I was born in Eugene, Oregon. I know nothing about the damn Ducks.

2. Can you play the James Bond theme on a ukelele? I can. (Well, at least I could once.)

3. I practiced tae kwon do in high school.

4. Once when I was in high school, I met my mom on the street. As I was showing off a spinning kick, the crotch of my jeans ripped. Mom laughed so hard, I think she almost wet her pants.

5. No matter how much cottage cheese is in front of me, I will eat it. All.

6. I was once a no-good, long-haired hippie freak, and I have the pictures to prove it.

7. A favorite pastime when I was growing up: climbing buildings. Well, that's what us ninjas do.

8. I think my purpose in life can be summed up in two words: object lesson.

9. Case in point. Once when I was a kid, we went out for lunch. I ordered two eggs, any style - with a straight face - and I didn't get it.

10. Switched-on Bach is one of my
all-time favorite albums.

Now for some victims. It's probably bad (N)etiquette to tag the already-tagged, and I don't know many that really does mean I have to make some new friends!

A. Matt, because I haven't talked to him since TKD, and it would be nice to hear how he's doing;
B. Anna-Lys, because she has such a lovely blog, and was foolish enough to comment on mine (glad you liked the post);
C. Elliot, because any blog posting its reading level can't be half-bad;
D. Sam, because he's traveling and I'm not (covet, covet, covet! verily, I covet thee);
E. Malin, because he's got a good eye for illustration - keep it up!

There, I've done the deed. Thanks for being good sports, and give it a try; it's not so bad, really.


ANNA-LYS said...

drum roll!!!

I need some evidence
1) You in Long hair (pic)
2) You on ukelele (soundtrack)
3)Your ripped jeans (video)
4) Your dissertation (by e-mail)


I guess sticking out my nose in one of Your posts about C.S. Pierce, wasn't very smart :-)

Thank You for warm words here and there ... I will see if adductive logic can be used to solve this problem you gave me.

Will be back!!!

ANNA-LYS said...

RESPONSE to Sender

No, problem, Jacob, interruptions are mostly grounded on subjective pragma, but, are not seldom a needed thought-provoke and focus-shift for the significant other. :-)

RKR said...

Hi Jake,
Good sport yourself - thanks for playing! Now I know the perfect snack for you: expect cottage cheese next time you're over!

Francie the "wise" said...

Really? Switched on Bach? You don't have a copy of it on CD, do you?... because that would be awesome. I have a copy on cassette, but I don't have a cassette player.

By the way, did you know that Walter Carlos is the only person ever to have won a grammy as two genders -- first as a man for Switched on Bach and later as a woman (Wendy) for Switched on Brandenburgs...