Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In Memoriam: Aimee Alcarez Cowan (1975-2008)

I was blessed to know her in my first two years at TMC. I heard how she did right, teaching at Tufts - she must've been a good professor. Today she passed away. A bright little light has gone out, but I was lucky enough to see. I was lucky enough to be her friend. My prayers go out to her family and friends, but so do my memories. We've all been blessed to know her.

Brian Eno and Harold Budd, "Late October"


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your beautiful film. Aimee viewed the world differently from everyone else. Your tribute gives a brief glance at her always imaginative perspective and her belief that life is not always right side up ... but that upside down is not so bad either.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jake. Your sweet words bring comfort to my heart.