Thursday, November 06, 2008

Links, links, links

I don't have time for this, but I'm gonna take time anyway. It can't be said strongly enough: Tuesday was one of the biggest days in recent history, not just American history but world history.

Whatever I say really can't do justice to the significance of all this; instead let me offer links to various thinks...Obama said this was a long time coming - just ask Amanda Jones. Courtesy of Agent Intellect, who got it courtesy of Instapundit. Parasitic, these blogs.) The Onion, known for its satire, manages to tell the truth here and here.

For those who think all the racist bigots have gun racks in their pick-em-up trucks - and why the election is so important - check out this by Untravel, which took place right here in so-called cultured Europe, and his friend's little encounter in Moscow. (Stupidity knows no bounds, probably because it can't read a map.) Agent Intellect has rightly said that we should pray for Obama; he couldn't be more correct.

Lots of people have great expectations for Obama; some doubt he'll do much in the Oval Office. I think this: he's there. Obama. Is. There. And that speaks volumes, both for him and the nation that elected him. Never mind quibbles about his being half-black; get real, it doesn't matter. What does matter is - something is happening...

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